LED Displays

LED Display to Replace Print Signage?

Take a look around you and notice how LED displays are being added to the landscape. From the billboards to the traffic signs to the streetlights – everything runs on this digital technology. Several years from now, do you think LED displays will dominate the world? Is print signage really on its way to becoming obsolete?

The answer is no – print signage is definitely here to stay. If anything, LED displays will augment print signage. We’ll definitely see balance between these two forms of media. Print signs may not be as bright and flashy and attention-grabbing as their LED counterparts, but they’re more affordable, flexible and dependable. Print signs are a lot cheaper and they can be moved anywhere. LED displays are expensive to use for commercial purposes and are often fixed in one location. If the power went out, LED displays would also cease to work. Print signs, on the other hand, will continue to be what they are and do their job.

Print signs are very much alive even in the digital age. Just look at Time Square, Piccadilly Circus, and Shibuya. These places are highly modernized and you’ll still see printed signs throughout the area. While the digital displays do their work to grab your attention, the billboards, banners, and posters do theirs in their own way. They augment digital signs.

The world just isn’t the same without traditional signs. They do their job well and they’re even better than their digital counterparts in some aspects. Print signage may not be as flashy and attention-grabbing, but they offer affordability, flexibility, and dependability that LED displays cannot.

About Signs Now Mill Creek
Hi! My name is Rani Bal and you can learn more about me and connect with me here: Rani Bal Google+ Profile

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